Give ٍSyrian people the education they deserve! It's time to make a change . . ., it’s time to become visionary!
8 years of war have exhausted the people of Syria. Young women and men are among the most affected. Millions of Syrian youth are deprived of a proper education. They have little hopes of improving their livelihood situation. Their future is plagued by problems such as poverty, recruitment, child marriage and extremism. All they can remember is the war.
We provide ICT skills development and capacity building. This education has changed the lives of hundreds of young women and men in Syria. It provided them with employment opportunities enabling them to improve their livelihood situation and increase their resilience.
However, the success of our cause depends on you. Your crucial support will help thousands of young Syrian women and men. We at Maharat Academy have the vision that together we can improve lives through ICT education. No matter how much the war has destroyed, we will keep rebuilding from the ashes. The Syrian youth deserves an education, they deserve a future, they deserve your help. With your contributions, we can keep improving hundreds of young lives. It's time to make a change, it’s time to become visionary!
You will be able to follow their progress and achievements.